Let’s start with a brief quiz to highlight an often-overlooked issue:
- 1. What biological factor contributes to the rise in average I.Q.s among young Americans today compared to those from the 1970s or earlier?
- 2. What global health issue claims the lives of approximately 1.5 million people annually?
- 3. A new initiative in the United States aims to save countless lives worldwide and enhance our collective intelligence by addressing what specific problem?
The answer to all three questions relates to a significant health crisis that remains largely under the radar: lead poisoning.
Lead is a potent neurotoxin, and its dangers have been recognized for centuries. In fact, Benjamin Franklin cautioned as early as 1786 about the risks associated with consuming rainwater that had been contaminated by lead from roofs.
However, in a troubling chapter of American business history, companies prioritized profit over public health. They discovered that adding lead to products not only enhanced the vibrancy of paint colors but also improved the performance of engines. In their relentless pursuit of profit, these companies resisted regulatory measures that could have protected the public.
One paint manufacturer infamously claimed, “Lead helps to guard your health.” This misleading assertion led to widespread lead poisoning among children, and the repercussions of this neglect are still felt today.