Introducing Myself as the New Canada Bureau Chief and Exploring Immigration Issues

Introducing Myself and Understanding Canada’s Immigration Landscape

Introducing Myself and Understanding Canada's Immigration Landscape

This weekā€™s letter takes a slightly unconventional approach. I will attempt to contextualize Canadaā€™s evolving immigration policies within a broader global framework. But first, if youā€™ll indulge me, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself.

The author on assignment in Brampton, Ontario.
Credit: Ian Willms for The New York Times

Hello! I am thrilled to be The New York Timesā€™s new Canada bureau chief. My family and I made the move to Toronto in August, leaving behind our life in Brussels, where I served as the bureau chief covering the European Union. Over my five years in Brussels, I focused on significant issues such as the pandemic, the invasion of Ukraine, and other pivotal news stories that shaped Europe.

My reporting has often centered on the themes of refugees and immigration policy. This passion for the subject began early in my career in my hometown of Athens in the mid-2000s, where I reported extensively from the ground. In addition to immigration, I have a strong interest in investigative journalism that seeks to hold those in power accountable. My portfolio includes uncovering malfeasance across various sectorsā€”both governmental and private. I also enjoy delving into cultural stories that highlight the richness of human experience.

For those who wish to know more about my background and previous experiences, you can find additional details here.

If you have a story that you believe deserves to be toldā€”especially if itā€™s one that someone in a position of power prefers to keep under wrapsā€”I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out via email at

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